Web Scraping With Beautiful Soup - Part 1

Code as .ipynb

In today's video I will be walking through an introduction to the Python package, Beautiful Soup 4.

Beautiful Soup is a MUST HAVE package for anyone interested in web scraping with python. It provides a very easy to use method of parsing through web data, and is a great starting point for more advanced automated web navigation and scraping.

Topics we will cover:

Where go to find more information, and look up functions and more information about how to use the specific package (Assuming it is well documented!).

---Beautiful Soup Documentation:


How to view/translate the source code for webpages as well as how to go back and forth between the visible web page and the underlying HTML to gain a better understanding of this process.

The stats website basketball-reference is what I will be using to demonstrate the capabilities of Beautiful Soup, specifically the player's per game stats for the 2019-2020 season. Link below.



Web Scraping With Beautiful Soup - Part 2