High Ceilings and Floors Part Two

Now that we have reviewed what the standard deviation is, and how we can use it and it's relationship to the mean to analyze the odds of a player scoring within a certain range of points, we can start to actually apply it.

First up, we are going to import the pandas package, and pull in our dataset we have been using for most of our analysis. Box scores for the 2019-2020 season pulled in February of 2020.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\nfwya\OneDrive\Code Backup\nba\boxScores\20200215_Pandas.xlsx")
Player Match_Up Game_Date MIN PTS REB AST STL BLK TOV FP
0 Anfernee Simons POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 26 3 3 3 1 0 1 13.1
1 Anthony Davis LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 38 26 11 2 0 1 3 42.2
2 Anthony Tolliver POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 23 3 4 1 0 1 1 11.3
3 Aron Baynes PHX @ LAL 01/01/2020 21 4 5 2 0 1 0 16.0
4 Avery Bradley LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 30 18 5 1 3 0 1 33.5

Next we are going to go ahead and review how we previously calculated the players season average of fantasy points (at least up until that date). I'm not going to step through this with explanations for you as we have used it before, but just as a refresher here is the code.

df2 = df[['Player', 'FP']]
df3= df2.groupby('Player',sort=False).mean().reset_index()
Player FP
0 Anfernee Simons 14.944444
1 Anthony Davis 52.032609
2 Anthony Tolliver 10.405714
3 Aron Baynes 22.363636
4 Avery Bradley 14.587179
seasonAveDict = {}
seasonAveDict.update(pd.Series(df3.FP.values, index=df3.Player).to_dict())
df['SeasonAveOLD'] = df['Player']
df.replace({'SeasonAveOLD': seasonAveDict}, inplace=True)
Player Match_Up Game_Date MIN PTS REB AST STL BLK TOV FP SeasonAveOLD
0 Anfernee Simons POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 26 3 3 3 1 0 1 13.1 14.944444
1 Anthony Davis LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 38 26 11 2 0 1 3 42.2 52.032609
2 Anthony Tolliver POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 23 3 4 1 0 1 1 11.3 10.405714
3 Aron Baynes PHX @ LAL 01/01/2020 21 4 5 2 0 1 0 16.0 22.363636
4 Avery Bradley LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 30 18 5 1 3 0 1 33.5 14.587179

Now we can see the mean in the field of 'SeasonAveOLD' in our dataframe. There is another method we can use to calculate both the mean and standard deviation at once, but we will need a second field besides player name to group by. To do this we will be using the team the player plays for. However, you may notice that we don't have a field specifically for the player's team. We do have the match up though, and if you look closely, the player's team is always the first team listed. So we will use the same method we utilized when cleaning up our lineup outputs here to pull out the team abbreviation.

We are going to use a lambda function to split the 'Match_Up' field on the first ' ' in the string, and return the first segment of that list.

teamFxn = lambda x: x['Match_Up'].split(" ")[0]

Next we will apply that function to a new column titled 'Team'. This should return only the player's team in the 'Team' column

df['Team'] = df.apply(teamFxn, axis=1)
Player Match_Up Game_Date MIN PTS REB AST STL BLK TOV FP SeasonAveOLD Team
0 Anfernee Simons POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 26 3 3 3 1 0 1 13.1 14.944444 POR
1 Anthony Davis LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 38 26 11 2 0 1 3 42.2 52.032609 LAL
2 Anthony Tolliver POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 23 3 4 1 0 1 1 11.3 10.405714 POR
3 Aron Baynes PHX @ LAL 01/01/2020 21 4 5 2 0 1 0 16.0 22.363636 PHX
4 Avery Bradley LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 30 18 5 1 3 0 1 33.5 14.587179 LAL

Doing a quick check here we can see both formats of matchups with '@' and 'vs.' and in both cases the correct team is returned.

Next up we are going to create a new dataframe called 'dfStat' and it will consist of the player name and team name, then we will be aggregating the Fantasy Points by player/team index and return the mean and standard deviation as separate columns using the .agg function

dfStat = df.groupby(['Player', 'Team']).FP.agg({'mean', 'std'})
mean std
Player Team
Aaron Gordon ORL 29.914286 9.884183
Aaron Holiday IND 19.195918 10.805399
Abdel Nader OKC 11.038235 6.681363
Al Horford PHI 30.150000 8.966906
Al-Farouq Aminu ORL 16.170588 9.469937

Now, you can tell the dual index by the fact that both player and team are in bold type in the dataframe. Unfortunately none of those players in that preview are in the preview of our previous dataframe, so we will go ahead and combine this dataframe back into our original one using the merge function on the player, team index to ensure the correct numbers are being attributed to the correct player. After that we will just sort by game date for easier viewing.

df = df.merge(dfStat, left_on=['Player', 'Team'], right_index=True)
df = df.sort_values('Game_Date')
Player Match_Up Game_Date MIN PTS REB AST STL BLK TOV FP SeasonAveOLD Team mean std
0 Anfernee Simons POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 26 3 3 3 1 0 1 13.1 14.944444 POR 14.944444 7.667123
10 CJ McCollum POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 32 17 4 4 0 0 0 27.8 33.944231 POR 33.944231 10.935020
46 Kyle Korver MIL vs. MIN 01/01/2020 18 8 4 2 0 1 3 15.8 12.036957 MIL 12.036957 6.266112
47 Kyle Kuzma LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 27 19 4 1 1 0 0 28.3 20.513636 LAL 20.513636 9.673642
48 LeBron James LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 38 31 13 12 2 1 5 68.6 51.711765 LAL 51.711765 9.848099


Now we've talked previously about why how many standard deviations away from the mean we are is relevant, but we've been looking at it in a pretty big picture way. One way we can start to drill down and get a little more information from this is with the z-score. The z-score is simply a measurement of exactly how many standard deviations away from the mean a score is. This is calculatred pretty simply by taking the score in question, minus that players mean, then taking the result of that calculation and dividing it by that players standard deviation

Z-Score = ( (Fantasy Points) - (Mean) ) / (Standard Deviation)

To take a look at this, we will go ahead and add a new column to our dataframe using the previous formula.

df['Z'] = (df['FP'] - df['mean'])/df['std']
Player Match_Up Game_Date MIN PTS REB AST STL BLK TOV FP SeasonAveOLD Team mean std Z
0 Anfernee Simons POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 26 3 3 3 1 0 1 13.1 14.944444 POR 14.944444 7.667123 -0.240565
10 CJ McCollum POR @ NYK 01/01/2020 32 17 4 4 0 0 0 27.8 33.944231 POR 33.944231 10.935020 -0.561886
46 Kyle Korver MIL vs. MIN 01/01/2020 18 8 4 2 0 1 3 15.8 12.036957 MIL 12.036957 6.266112 0.600539
47 Kyle Kuzma LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 27 19 4 1 1 0 0 28.3 20.513636 LAL 20.513636 9.673642 0.804905
48 LeBron James LAL vs. PHX 01/01/2020 38 31 13 12 2 1 5 68.6 51.711765 LAL 51.711765 9.848099 1.714873

One way to think of the Z-score graphically, is that it is the X-value for any point plotted on the bell curve we used previously. If you normalize a player's scores so that the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1, this Z score would be the the X coordinate of the point forming the curve.

We aren't going to go down that path though as I don't think it's terribly useful, and will bring in a lot of unnecessary information that doesn't add much to our problem here. For now, let's just take the z-score for what it is, a one stop shop to understand how mathematically likely or unlikely a player's performance was given their body of work.

Relating Our Statistics Back To The Bell Curve

Now just as a quick exercise to relate back to our bell curve visualization before, we are going to add one more column grouping together our Z-scores into the buckets we established on the bell curve, within 1 standard deviation from the mean, between 1 and 2 standard deviations, etc.

df.loc[abs(df['Z']) <= 4, 'whereBell'] = 4
df.loc[abs(df['Z']) <= 3, 'whereBell'] = 3
df.loc[abs(df['Z']) <= 2, 'whereBell'] = 2
df.loc[abs(df['Z']) <= 1, 'whereBell'] = 1
df.sort_values('whereBell', ascending=False).head(5)
Player Match_Up Game_Date MIN PTS REB AST STL BLK TOV FP SeasonAveOLD Team mean std Z whereBell
11695 Duncan Robinson MIA vs. ATL 12/10/2019 43 34 3 4 0 1 0 46.6 20.439623 MIA 20.439623 8.244796 3.172956 4.0
5943 Cody Zeller CHA @ LAL 10/27/2019 29 19 14 1 3 3 0 55.3 23.750000 CHA 23.750000 10.027355 3.146393 4.0
8145 JaVale McGee LAL vs. GSW 11/13/2019 28 18 17 2 3 3 2 57.4 20.578431 LAL 20.578431 9.663091 3.810537 4.0
7434 D'Angelo Russell GSW @ MIN 11/08/2019 40 52 9 5 3 2 3 82.3 38.160000 GSW 37.981818 13.449918 3.295052 4.0
10364 Ben McLemore HOU vs. ATL 11/30/2019 34 24 13 1 1 0 1 43.1 16.598077 HOU 16.598077 8.460971 3.132255 4.0

Now, we are going to run a quick analysis to see how many instances actually fall into each bucket and how that compares to the bell curve numbers. Keep in mind that this is not a standardized dataset, so it likely won't match up exactly, but that doesn't mean we won't be able to learn something valuable from the data.

df2 = df[['Player', 'FP', 'whereBell']].groupby(['Player', 'whereBell']).count()
Player whereBell
Aaron Gordon 1.0 32
2.0 15
3.0 2
Aaron Holiday 1.0 30
2.0 18

Now this is a multi-level dataframe. In order to work with it a little easier we are going to 'unstack' the dataframe so we can understand it a little better

df3 = df2.unstack()
whereBell 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Aaron Gordon 32.0 15.0 2.0 NaN
Aaron Holiday 30.0 18.0 1.0 NaN
Abdel Nader 24.0 8.0 2.0 NaN
Al Horford 36.0 11.0 3.0 NaN
Al-Farouq Aminu 12.0 5.0 NaN NaN

Ah, much better. Now we can see how many instances each player has within each bucket up to approximately 50 games through the season. Now, to take a big picture look at the data we are just going run the simple .info() function to take a look at how many instances are in each bucket across the league

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 340 entries, Aaron Gordon to Zach LaVine
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------     --------------  -----  
 0   (FP, 1.0)  340 non-null    float64
 1   (FP, 2.0)  339 non-null    float64
 2   (FP, 3.0)  285 non-null    float64
 3   (FP, 4.0)  34 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(4)
memory usage: 13.3+ KB

WOW. Across ~50 games for each team, 8-ish players playing decent minutes each game, only 34 TOTAL instances of a player scoring within the 3-4 standard deviations of their mean, and that's in both the positive and minus direction. Let's do a quick breakdown of how those percentages per bucket work out compared to the bell curve percentages we looked at before. We're just going to do a quick calculation of how many total instances there are, then divide each bucket by the total and compare to the bell curve

print(f'Within 1 STD of mean: {round(340/998*100,2)}%, bell curve = 64%')
print(f'Between 1 and 2 STD of mean: {round(339/998*100,2)}%, bell curve = 28%')
print(f'Between 2 and 3 STD of mean: {round(285/998*100,2)}%, bell curve = 4%')
print(f'Between 3 and 4 STD of mean: {round(34/998*100,2)}%, bell curve = 0.2%')
Within 1 STD of mean: 34.07%, bell curve = 64%
Between 1 and 2 STD of mean: 33.97%, bell curve = 28%
Between 2 and 3 STD of mean: 28.56%, bell curve = 4%
Between 3 and 4 STD of mean: 3.41%, bell curve = 0.2%

As we can see, the numbers are pretty well off across the board. Which makes sense, as this is not a standardized dataset, and that's OKAY. We can still learn quite a bit from this data. For instance, 26% of all instances fall between 2 and 3 standard deviations of the mean, now that could be in a good way or a bad way as we aren't separating out by positive or negative z scores here.

Next up we will do the exact same analysis for only Aaron Gordon, and see if the numbers are closer to the bell curve breakdown than they are for the entire NBA.

Player whereBell
Aaron Gordon 1.0 32
2.0 15
3.0 2
Aaron Holiday 1.0 30
2.0 18
print(f'Within 1 STD of mean: {round(32/49*100,2)}%, bell curve = 64%')
print(f'Between 1 and 2 STD of mean: {round(15/49*100,2)}%, bell curve = 28%')
print(f'Between 2 and 3 STD of mean: {round(2/49*100,2)}%, bell curve = 4%')
print(f'Between 3 and 4 STD of mean: {round(0/49*100,2)}%, bell curve = 0.2%')
Within 1 STD of mean: 65.31%, bell curve = 64%
Between 1 and 2 STD of mean: 30.61%, bell curve = 28%
Between 2 and 3 STD of mean: 4.08%, bell curve = 4%
Between 3 and 4 STD of mean: 0.0%, bell curve = 0.2%

As we can see here, Aaron Gordon's numbers are MUCH closer to what we could 'expect' with a normal distribution. And you know what, that's not necessarily better or worse than being way off! The point of this exercise isn't to prove that using the standard deviation/bell curve is the BEST or WORST way to help with lineup construction and player pool, but rather to do some hands on learning with it and understand HOW we can use it. In this example with Aaron Gordon, we would need to investigate a little further into his stats to figure out if we think he would fit better as a high floor or ceiling player, and the first thing we would want to look at is what his actual standard deviation is. If he has a fairly high standard deviation then maybe having 64% of his games within 1 STD of his mean really doesn't give us that much information. Let's take a look and see.

Player Match_Up Game_Date MIN PTS REB AST STL BLK TOV FP SeasonAveOLD Team mean std Z whereBell
8950 Aaron Gordon ORL @ TOR 11/20/2019 12 2 2 0 0 0 0 4.4 29.914286 ORL 29.914286 9.884183 -2.581325 3.0
2575 Aaron Gordon ORL vs. OKC 01/22/2020 35 14 8 3 1 0 0 31.1 29.914286 ORL 29.914286 9.884183 0.119961 1.0
5751 Aaron Gordon ORL @ ATL 10/26/2019 30 10 7 3 2 0 1 27.9 29.914286 ORL 29.914286 9.884183 -0.203789 1.0
4247 Aaron Gordon ORL @ BOS 02/05/2020 31 23 10 4 2 1 5 45.0 29.914286 ORL 29.914286 9.884183 1.526248 2.0
10705 Aaron Gordon ORL @ WAS 12/03/2019 32 18 11 2 0 0 0 34.2 29.914286 ORL 29.914286 9.884183 0.433593 1.0

In Conclusion

Now that you have a taste for looking into these statistics, that's going to be all for Part 2. We will dive deeper into how we can/want to use this type of analysis for player pool in Part 3! Do you think Aaron Gordon would be better classified as a high ceiling or floor player? Is 9.88 TOO high of a standard deviation? Or do you think that's pretty consistent? Let me know over in the youtube comments.


High Floor and Ceiling Part 3


High Ceilings And Floors Part One